How to Create A Prayer Closet


Hey there! If you’ve come to this blog post, you maye be wondering how to create a prayer closet. Am I right? First, thank you for coming and I hope you enjoy b this post and learn the steps on creating a closet dedicated to time with Jesus! Hallelujah!

In this blog, I am going to discuss How to Create A Prayer Closet.

In a world filled with constant activity and noise, finding a quiet place to connect with your spiritual self can be challenging. Am I right? A prayer closet offers a dedicated, personal safe space to talk to God and to pray to the King of all kings. Creating this sacred space can enhance your spiritual journey and provide a sanctuary of peace in your home and also in your heart. This blog post will walk you through the process of building your own prayer closet, transforming a small area into an inspiring refuge for your soul.

1. Understanding the Concept of a Prayer Closet

Firstly, what is a Prayer Closet? A prayer closet is more than just a physical space; it’s an intimate place to spend your time with The Lord. The term originates from the Bible, where Jesus advises, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” -Matthew 6:6. This Bible verse emphasizes the importance of private, uninterrupted communion with The Lord our God. A prayer closet can be any small, quiet area in your home where you can retreat from the distractions of daily life and focus on your spiritual well-being.

2. Choosing the Right Space

Secondly, the first step in creating a prayer closet is choosing the right space. Look for an area in your home that is quiet, private, and free from distractions. This could be a small walk-in closet, a corner of a guest room, or even a repurposed storage space. The size of the space is less important than its ability to provide a sense of solitude and peace. Jesus will meet you where you are girl so anywhere you pick you already know Jesus will be joining you. But to be able to talk to Him and listen for Him to speak to you, try to consider factors such as noise levels, natural light, and proximity to busy areas of the house.

3. Decluttering and Cleaning

Thirdly, once you’ve chosen your space, the next step is decluttering and cleaning. Remove any items that don’t serve a purpose in your prayer closet. A clutter-free environment promotes a clear mind and a peaceful atmosphere. I am also speaking to myself on this, cause I need to do this. Since it is in my closet I sure do need to fold some clothes and declutter. Haha. Clean the area thoroughly to create a fresh, inviting space. Consider painting the walls in a calming color, such as soft blue, green, or beige, to enhance the tranquil ambiance, or light pink cause it’s just so pretty and it might make me be in there more. Lol. You have to just do what works for you!

4. Adding Comfortable Seating

Comfort is key in your prayer closet. Choose a seating option that allows you to relax and focus. This could be a comfortable chair, a meditation cushion, or even a whole bunch of pillows. Ensure that your seating supports good posture, as this can help you stay focused during prayer and meditation. Adding a soft throw blanket or cushion can also increase comfort and make the space feel more inviting.

5. Personalizing the Space with Spiritual Items

Personalizing your prayer closet with spiritual items can enhance your connection to the space. Consider including items that hold personal significance or inspire you spiritually. I definitly say to keep a Bible in there, a prayer journal, a Cross, or a small altar, whatever you prefer. You might also include items such as candles, or essential oil diffusers to create a calming atmosphere. I like to make and print some Bible verses and hang them on the wall or inspirational quotes can also add a personal touch and serve as a source of inspiration during your time in the closet. Also, if you see tjhe verse often, it may help you to memorize them. I love to put on the App Sprinkle Jesus, because the music is so calming and it just makes me feel good inside.

6. Creating a Peaceful Atmosphere

The atmosphere of your prayer closet is crucial to its effectiveness as a spiritual retreat. Consider incorporating elements that promote peace and tranquility. Soft lighting, such as a small lamp or fairy lights, can create a soothing environment. Playing gentle, instrumental music or nature sounds can help drown out external noise and enhance your focus. Additionally, using natural elements like plants or flowers can bring a sense of life and vitality into the space.

7. Establishing a Routine

Creating a dedicated prayer closet is only the first step; establishing a routine is essential to making the most of the space. Set aside specific times each day to retreat to your prayer closet. This could be in the morning to start your day with intention, in the evening to reflect and unwind, or any other time that fits your schedule. Consistency is key to building a meaningful spiritual practice. Over time, your prayer closet will become a sanctuary that draws you in and invites you to connect deeply with our Lord and Savior Jesus.

8. Using the Space for Reflection and Journaling

Your prayer closet can also be a place for reflection and journaling. Keeping a prayer journal allows you to document your thoughts, prayers, and reflections. This practice can help you gain clarity, track your spiritual growth, and deepen your connection with the divine. Set aside time during your prayer sessions to write in your journal, capturing any insights or inspirations that arise.

9. Maintaining and Evolving Your Space

Over time, your prayer closet may need maintenance and updates to continue serving as an effective spiritual retreat. Regularly clean and declutter the space to keep it inviting and peaceful. As your spiritual journey evolves, you may find that certain items or practices no longer resonate with you. Don’t be afraid to make changes and adapt the space to meet your current needs. Your prayer closet should be a dynamic reflection of your spiritual growth and transformation.


Creating a prayer closet is a deeply personal and rewarding endeavor. It provides a dedicated space for spiritual reflection, prayer, and meditation, offering a sanctuary of peace and tranquility in your home. By carefully selecting a space, decluttering, adding comfortable seating, personalizing with spiritual items, creating a peaceful atmosphere, establishing a routine, using the space for reflection and journaling, and maintaining and evolving the space, you can create a prayer closet that nurtures your soul and enhances your journey in your faith. Whether you are new on your walk with Jesus, or seeking to deepen your walk and growing as a Christian, a prayer closet can be a powerful tool for growing a closer connection with The Lord Almighty. I hope you enjoyed this blog on How to Create A Prayer Closet.

Remember, Jesus loves you! <3

-Lisa from She Blessed Believed